Superior Santiago R Palmer - Camuy, Puerto Rico - High School

Superior Santiago R Palmer

Phone - 787-898-9299
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Superior Santiago R Palmer
Grades Taught/District Info
Lowest Grade Taught: 10th Grade
Highest Grade Taught: 12th Grade
  Puerto Rico High Schools
School District: Puerto Rico Department Of Educ
County: Camuy
Male/Female Population
Male Female Total
158 144 302
Students by Race
Race Count %
American Indian - Alaskan 0 -
Asian - Pacific Islander 0 -
Black 0 -
Hispanic 302 100.00
White 0 -
Student by Grade Count
Superior Santiago R Palmer Reviews

From: Nilgen E Velazco | submitted: Mar 01, 2010
I was a student at this school and I had the best 3 years of my life. I made losts of long time friends and the teachers helped me achive my goals. They also offer advanced courses for those students that like a challenge.

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